tagsThe SudoLab is a cybersecurity lab for corporate investigation of suspisious links and continuing education of cybersecurity skills.
Posted: 2023-11-03CANS is a cutting-edge solution for space exploration, combining advanced algorithms with real-time mapping to navigate the vast cosmos with precision.
Posted: 2023-11-2Step into the labyrinth of my tech experiments!
Posted: 2023-11-1Dive deep into an expansive universe of research covering mathematics, computer science, data science, and the fascinating realms of electrical engineering.
Posted: 2023-11-1a lifestyle dashboard and IDE
Posted: 2023-10-29quantum encryption for satellite communications
Posted: 2023-10-29Hardware rtos for embedded systems.
Posted: 2023-10-29File System in Rust
Posted: 2023-10-29Trading Platform in C++
Posted: 2023-10-29my personal vr world, a passion project
Posted: 2023-10-29